- We are giving service from Dhaka to allover Bangladesh.
- No, based on Car Availability your car will select automatically. (i.e. Toyota Axio and/or equivalent etc.)
- Yes. You can add an addition in case you are looking for a specific model car For wedding ceremony. In that case, ASTHA car rental service will make an attempt to get a specific car based on your requirements. However, the service charge may also be adjusted depending on your requirement (i.e.- Car Type, model, and service availability).
- Basically, you have to pay 10% of your service cost in advance after booking your schedule then after finishing your job, you have to pay rest of the money. If you take the service the day you book the order then you don't need to pay anything in advance. We accept most forms of payment like certified money orders, cash, cheque, online payment etc.
- Yes. However, it may be adjusted in case of your requirement based on Car Type, Model, and Service Availability etc.
- Service Charges, fuel costs, and driver allowance are all-inclusive.